IT Outsourcing for Small Businesses

Every business outsources services at one stage or the other. If you own a small business, you probably want to consider outsourcing too. This will make it easy to free up some tasks and to find expert talents with enough experience to handle certain tasks. Need to outsource IT services right away? Why not discuss your outsourcing need with our experienced delivery manager? We will help you find the right talents for the services you need. 

Do You Want to Hire Top Tech Experts?

Expert-Hire makes finding remote tech experts for your startup easy.

From finding and vetting experienced web developers to build your website to hiring SEOs, content writers, graphic designers, and digital marketers, our hiring model is geared toward making your online roadmap successful.

It begins with a simple chat, and we will help you do the rest – match the right tech talent from our team to work with you.

Why Choose Expert-Hire?

Choose Expert-Hire for a skilled team, personalized solutions, constant support, and uncompromising data security. Our certified IT experts are industry-savvy and continuously trained. They’re not just tech-savvy; they understand your business challenges.

We don’t offer one-size-fits-all services. Instead, we tailor IT solutions to meet your specific business goals, maximizing your IT investment.

Downtime is costly. That’s why we provide round-the-clock support to keep your operations running smoothly. Reach us via phone, email, or chat anytime.

Your data’s safety is our priority. We employ robust security measures like firewalls, encryption, and regular audits to protect your sensitive information.

What Is Small Business IT Outsourcing?

IT or Information Technology outsourcing, is the practice of hiring an external vendor to handle certain IT functions. While IT outsourcing is common with large organizations, it is a misconception that small businesses don’t outsource.

Commonly outsourced services include software development, network maintenance, IT management, customer services, technical support, accounting and bookkeeping, etc. In small business IT outsourcing, the owner will delegate or assign certain tech-related tasks to an external agency. Most small business owners outsource to gain access to skills they lack, improve efficiency and reduce cost.

What Small Business IT Functions Can Be Outsourced?

There are several IT functions small business owners can outsource. Below are some small business IT functions that you can delegate to an external agency.

Accounting and bookkeeping services: These services entail managing a business’s financial records, preparing financial reports, conducting financial audits and ensuring that the small business complies with various tax laws. When small businesses outsource this IT function, they can have a more detailed and accurate view of their financial status, which will enable them to make informed decisions.

Marketing: Online marketers can help a small business create, implement and manage strategies to enable them to promote their products or services. These strategies include brand development, market research, social media marketing and creating content and ads to boost a business online presence. Outsourcing online or digital marketing will enable small businesses to leverage digital marketing experts who can increase visibility or sales. 

Customer services: Most businesses have many customers and must manage their inquiries, complaints and feedback in order to keep them coming back. These tasks could involve setting up a call center, managing social media inquiries and doing surveys to assess customers satisfaction. Outsourcing customer services can ensure a 24/7 support line and eliminate the risk of losing customers as a result of poor services. 

Human resources: These services include recruitment, onboarding, payroll, staff relations and benefits management. When small businesses outsource HR, they can streamline these processes and make sure they are compliant with employment laws. Aside from that, the in-house team will be able to focus on strategic planning. 

SEO services: SEO or search engine optimization is the process of improving a website visibility on the search engine result page. This involves doing keyword research, writing engaging content, link building and on-page and technical SEO for the site. Small businesses may not have the resources to hire an in-house SEO team, so they will benefit greatly when they outsource SEO services to an external agency.

Content writing: Creating conversion generating and persuasive copy for various marketing channels is part of content writing. Content writing can be in the form of creating a blog, landing page, email marketing campaigns, social media posts, etc. When a small business outsource content writing to expert writers, it will ensure a consistent and effective message across all their platforms.

Web development: Web development services involve designing, developing and maintaining a site. This task includes hiring front-end and back-end developers or a full-stack developer. Outsourcing web development will help a small business to build a professional website that is user-friendly.

Software maintenance and update: Maintaining a website ensures that it runs smoothly, remains secure and continually updated with fresh content. Small businesses can outsource website maintenance to minimize downtime.

Graphic design: Graphic design services involve making visual content such as logos, business cards and company brochures. When you outsource graphic design, you will ensure that the materials are professionally designed, visually consistent and engaging. 

Public relations: Managing business reputation and relationships with the public is a must. By outsourcing PR services, small businesses can maintain positive public perception, effectively manage crises and build strong relationships with key stakeholders. 

Cybersecurity and compliance: Cybersecurity services provide protection against cyber threats and ensure that small businesses meet certain legal and regulatory requirements. Outsourcing cybersecurity services can help a small business stay protected from cyber criminals and build customers’ trust. 

Benefits of Small Business IT Outsourcing

Save money

Small business IT outsourcing can lead to a significant cost saving because there will be no need to set up an in-house team for roles that can be outsourced. Businesses can avoid expensive investment in software, hardware and employee training and on ongoing maintenance cost. Aside from that, outsourcing companies offers the pay as you go model that allows for scalability, making it easy to increase or decrease your team whenever you like.

Access to tech experts

Outsourcing IT functions gives small businesses access to tech talents in various fields including cybersecurity, SEO, software development, cloud computing and QA assurance. Small businesses that are located in remote locations and can't easily hire tech experts can outsource and hire from the global talent pool.

Access to the latest technology

IT providers use the latest technologies to deliver their services to their clients. This will small business access to advanced tools and software, improved productivity and competitiveness.

Focus on core business activities

Since IT responsibilities is handled by the experts, small business owners can focus on their main business activities to make profit. There will be no need to worry about hiring, onboarding and paying permanent employees to handle roles can should have been outsourced. This freedom will allow for more strategic thinking, driving business growth and profit.

Quality assurance

IT outsourcing service providers follow industry best practices and adhere to quality standards when working with their clients. This commitment to quality services ensures the delivery of reliable and efficient services, leading to improved business processes and customer satisfaction.

When Is It Time for Small Businesses to Outsource IT Functions?

Knowing the best time to outsource IT functions is crucial for small businesses. One obvious sign is when IT issues start affecting your business daily operations. If you constantly experience significant downtime and low productivity as a result of lack of IT resources, then, you should consider outsourcing to an external agency. Aside from that, if your internal team is constantly grappling with tech problems instead of concentrating on their main roles, then outsourcing is the only way out. 

Another way to know when it is time to outsource IT functions is if your small business lack the necessary technical expertise in-house. Technology advances rapidly, making it difficult for small businesses to keep up with the latest trends including cloud services, cybersecurity and other IT functions. If your small business is finding it difficult to stay in top of the latest trend, outsourcing is the best solution. 

Scalability is another indicator that you need to outsource IT functions. If your small business is in the growth phase, hiring more permanent IT staff can strain your resources. When you outsource to a company like Expert-Hire, you can easily scale your team up and down and maintain optimal system performance. 

If you feel that you need to outsource IT functions, why not contact Expert-Hire and we will help you find the right tech talents for your business. 

Identify your needs

Before contacting potential IT outsourcing service providers, it is vital to identify and write out your specific IT needs. This will help you to reach out to the right provider. For example, if you need SEO services and web redesign, list the features you want and use them as a parameter to hire.

Set clear goals

Define what you intend to achieve when you outsource IT services. This could be system uptime, enhanced security or access to tech talents and the latest technology. Setting a clear goal will help you evaluate the IT providers and measure success later.

Find potential IT outsourcing companies

There are several ways to find IT service providers when you are ready to hire. You can simply browse the internet or ask for recommendations. Aside from that, you can contact Expert-Hire and our team will assign the right tech talents for your project.

Evaluate the IT providers

You have to assess the IT service providers to confirm that they can do the services you want them to do. Evaluate them based on their expertise, customer service and scalability and ask for clients reference and past projects.

Negotiate contracts

Once you have gotten the best IT provider, you can proceed to negotiate a contract that include a service level agreements (SLA) that outlines expected services, performance metrics and penalties for non-compliance. Also, the contract should include the amount to be paid, when it will be paid and how.

How to Do Small Business IT Outsourcing

Small business IT outsourcing is no small task. You have to follow these steps to get it right. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Sign up for a free consultation on our website. We’ll assess your IT needs and recommend a custom solution tailored for your small business.

Your data security is our top priority. We employ robust measures like firewalls and encryption to ensure your sensitive information is well-protected.