Hire Fintech Content Writers

At Expert-Hire, we help fintech businesses spice up the right mix of content – that most sorted elixir – to help them succeed. Grow your fintech business with expert writers from our team.

Do You Want to Hire Fintech Writers?

Hiring fintech content writers at Expert-Hire is as simple as a, b, and c. All you have to do is use the contact form and get in touch with one of our experts who take your project requirements and uses it to match you with the right writer. At Expert-Hire, we help you hire experienced SEO content writers in as little as 72 hours! 

Access to a large talent pool

By outsourcing to Expert-Hire, you have access to a wide range of writers with diverse expertise in fintech. This diversity ensures that you can find writers who are well-suited to your specific needs and have the knowledge and experience to create high-quality content.

Cost savings

Hiring in-house writers involves not only salaries but also benefits, training, and other expenses. Outsourcing to us allows you to pay only for the content you need, which can be more cost-effective.

High-quality content

At Expert-Hire, we vet our writers for quality. This ensures that the content you receive is of high quality, well-researched, and tailored to your brand’s voice and objectives.

Industry expertise

Our writers have a deep understanding of the fintech industry. This expertise allows them to create content that is not only engaging but also informative and positions your brand as a thought leader in the fintech space.


Outsourcing fintech content writing allows for greater flexibility in terms of volume. You can easily scale up or down based on your content needs without the logistical challenges of hiring or laying off in-house staff.

Time savings

By outsourcing SEO writing, you save the time that would otherwise be spent on recruiting, training, and managing in-house writers. This allows you to focus on core business activities.

Administrative ease

At Expert-Hire, we help handle administrative tasks such as payroll and HR for the writers. This removes the administrative burden from your team and streamlines the content creation process.

Quick turnaround times

With a pool of writers available, we can often provide quicker turnaround times for content compared to an in-house team. This is especially beneficial when you need content on short notice.

Customization and brand alignment

Our writers can work closely with your team to ensure that the content is aligned with your brand voice and customized to meet your specific objectives.

Outsourcing Fintech Content Writers Benefits

What Is a Fintech Content Writer?

A fintech writer is an expert who writes informative, engaging, and SEO-optimized content for businesses in the financial technology sector. Fintech content writers have a solid grasp of finance, tech, and the latest trends in the industry. They also understand how to engage with people using written content such as articles, white papers, and case studies. 

Responsibilities of a Fintech Content Writer

  • Keyword research: One way to find out what people are searching for online is by conducting keyword research using SEO tools like Ahref, SEMrush, and Ubersuggest. After doing research, the writer will prepare a handful of topics related to the fintech industry to write content on. 


  • Writing engaging content: Fintech writers will write content based on the given topics. To succeed in this task, they must structure the content in a way readers will understand and research each topic. Researching means getting information from different sources online or from interviews. After that, the writer will gather all the information and create a draft.


  • Collaborate with the marketing team: Content writers often work closely with marketing teams to create content that speaks to their customers. Also, the writers must align the content to the marketing objectives and adjust it when necessary. 


  • Optimize content: Without SEO, it will be difficult to get your content to the right customers. That is why part of the responsibilities of a fintech writer is to optimize the content by adding keywords in the title and body. Aside from that, the writer will ensure the content is well-structured by using the heading tags correctly. 


  • Editing and proofreading: This is one of the most important parts of writing content. The writer must edit the piece to ensure that it is free of grammatical and factual errors. This will ensure the content meets high-quality standards. 

Fintech content writers must have a solid grasp of the financial industry and must be able to explain concepts, products, and financial jargon in layman’s terms. Examples of financial knowledge the writer must know include cryptocurrency, investment, and banking.

Since fintech is a combination of finance and technology, writers must have expert knowledge of both sectors. They should know how different technologies are applied in the financial sector.

Content writers must have the ability to conduct thorough research. This includes keyword research to know when people are searching for and researching each topic to craft engaging content. 

Optimizing content is essential for it to reach the right audience. The writer will apply SEO skills by adding headings, meta descriptions, and image tags and ensuring the content aligns with the keyword.

The ability to write clearly and concisely is another skill of a fintech writer. This is something to pay attention to when hiring a writer. Look for grammar skills and ensure the content is well-structured and engaging. 

For the content to be free of errors, the writer must pay attention to the details and ensure all information is accurate, maintaining consistency with the brand voice. 

Meeting deadlines is important in content writing. Having excellent time management skills will ensure the writer finishes tasks before deadlines. 

The writers often need to collaborate with other team members, like marketing and graphic design, to create content that aligns with the brand’s voice.

Fintech SEO Content Writers Skills

Do you want to hire fintech writers? Here are some of the skills to consider. 

How to Hire Fintech Content Writers from Expert-Hire

Hiring financial content writers from Expert-Hire is easy. All you have to do is follow the steps listed below, and you will get the right talents you need within three days!

Define Your Needs

Before you start the hiring process, it’s important to clearly define what you need. Consider the type of content you want to produce (e.g., blog posts, whitepapers, social media posts), the volume of content, and the level of expertise in fintech required. Also, think about the tone and style that align with your brand.

Search for Writers

Once you have a clear understanding of your needs, start searching for writers. Platforms like Expert-Hire are great resources, as they often have a pool of writers with fintech experience. You can also use social media, job boards, and writer networks to find candidates.

Discuss Terms

Once you’ve identified a writer or writers who seem like a good fit, it’s time to discuss terms. This includes negotiating payment rates, setting deadlines, and outlining content requirements. Make sure that both parties are clear on expectations.

Provide Clear Guidelines

After terms are agreed upon, provide the writer with detailed guidelines. This should include information on the tone and style of the content, specific topics to be covered, and any branding elements that need to be included. The more specific you can be, the better the end result will likely be.

Formalize the Hiring

If you are satisfied with the writer’s performance on the trial project and feel that they are a good fit for your needs, it’s time to formalize the hiring process. This may involve signing a contract or setting up a long-term agreement for content creation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Review their portfolio and ask for fintech-specific writing samples. Also, during the interview, ask questions related to the fintech industry.

Yes, many platforms, including Expert-Hire, allow you to hire writers for one-time projects or on a long-term basis.

The cost varies based on the writer’s experience, the complexity of the content, and the volume of work.