Hire B2B Content Writers 10x Faster

Content is king! But not just any content – you need high-quality content of course. Expert-Hire makes it easy to hire B2B writers who are not only skilled but also have a deep understanding of the business landscape. Enjoy flexible contracts, find the best talent. Start now.

Do You Want to Hire a B2B Writer?

If you are looking to create content that resonates with other businesses and professionals, hiring a B2B writer is essential. At Expert-Hire, our team can help you communicate effectively with your target audience and build lasting business relationships. Hire B2B writers within three days. 

What Is a B2B Writer?

B2B stands for business-to-business. A B2B writer specializes in creating content for businesses that market their products or services to other businesses, rather than to consumers. This type of content is more focused on industry-specific knowledge, data, and the value of the services. B2B writers understand the unique dynamics and needs of firms and are adept at writing content that appeals to decision-makers within organizations.

B2B Writers' Responsibilities

B2B content writers roles
  • Understand the Industry: B2B writers need to have a comprehensive knowledge of the industry they are writing for. This includes knowing the products or services, the market dynamics, competitors, and the pain points of the businesses they are targeting. Understanding the industry helps in writing content that resonates with the target audience and addresses their specific needs and challenges.
  • Create Engaging Content: The writers are responsible for creating various types of content such as articles, blogs, whitepapers, case studies, newsletters, and more. Also, the content should be engaging, informative, and tailored to the needs of the target audience. It should also provide value by solving problems or offering insights that can help businesses make informed decisions.
  • Optimize Content: SEO is crucial for increasing the visibility of content online. B2B writers must optimize content by using relevant keywords, creating compelling headlines, and ensuring that it is structured in a way that is favorable to search engines. This helps in driving organic traffic.
  • Edit and Proofread: Before publishing, it is essential for the writers to edit and proofread their content. This involves checking for grammatical errors, ensuring consistency in tone and style, and verifying that all information is accurate and up-to-date. Editing and proofreading help in maintaining the quality and credibility of the piece.
  • Analyze and Measure Success: After publication, B2B writers should also be involved in analyzing the performance of the content. This includes tracking metrics like traffic, engagement, and lead generation to understand what resonates with the audience and to make data-driven decisions for future content.

Skills to Look for When Hiring B2B Writers

Hiring B2B writers requires due diligence. Here are some of the skills to consider.

Having extensive knowledge of the industry they are writing for is crucial for B2B content writers. This includes knowing the products, services, market trends, competitors, and the challenges faced by firms in the industry. This knowledge enables writers to write articles, landing pages or email copies that are relevant, accurate, and resonate with the target audience. It also helps in establishing credibility and authority in the industry.

B2B writers must have the ability to conduct in-depth research. This involves using various sources such as industry reports, academic journals, company websites, and news articles to gather relevant information. Research skills are essential for ensuring that the content is factually accurate, up-to-date, and provides value to the reader.

Exceptional writing skills are fundamental for content writers who create B2B pieces. This includes the ability to write clearly, concisely, and in an engaging manner. Aside from that, the writer must have a strong command of grammar and style, as well as the ability to adapt the tone and voice to suit different audiences and content formats.

Understanding SEO best practices is essential for content writers. This includes knowing how to use keywords effectively, optimizing meta tags, and structuring content for better readability and search engine ranking. SEO knowledge helps in increasing the visibility of the content online and driving organic traffic to the business website.

B2B writers need to have analytical skills to interpret data and use it to create insightful content. This involves being able to read and understand charts, graphs, and statistics, and to draw meaningful conclusions from them. Analytical skills are also important for measuring the performance of content and making data-driven decisions.

The ability to manage time effectively is crucial for meeting deadlines and handling multiple projects simultaneously. B2B writers must be able to prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, and allocate time efficiently to ensure that high-quality content is delivered on schedule.

Excellent communication skills are essential for content writers. This involves actively listening to understand client requirements, asking clarifying questions, and effectively conveying ideas and feedback. Communication skills are also important for collaborating with team members and stakeholders.

B2B writers should have strong editing and proofreading skills to ensure that the content is polished and free of errors. This includes checking for grammatical mistakes, ensuring consistency in style, and verifying the accuracy of information.

Where to Hire B2B Content Writers

There are several platforms to hire B2B writers, but Expert-Hire stands out as the best. At Expert-Hire, we connect you with top-notch writers who have the skills and expertise to craft content that will drive your business forward. With a rigorous vetting process, we ensure that you only work with the best. Our stand-out features include:

  • Flexible hiring contract,
  • Quick hiring (within 3 days)
  • Vetted writers,
  • Up to 5 revisions,
  • Quick turn over,
  • Writers from a managed team ( no worries, relax as we do what we love doing best)

Benefits of Outsourcing Content Writing to Expert-Hire


When you outsource content writing, you gain access to a pool of writers who have specialized knowledge in various industries and niches. Our writers have years of experience and are well-versed in the latest trends and best practices in content creation. This expertise ensures that your content is well-written but can persuade your clients to buy your products or services.


Outsourcing content can be more cost-effective than hiring and training in-house writers. When you outsource, you only pay for what you need, and you don’t have to worry about the overhead costs associated with full-time employees, such as benefits, office space, and equipment. Additionally, you can avoid the spends and time involved in the recruitment and training process.

Quality Content

Professional content writing services often have rigorous quality control processes in place. This ensures that the content you receive is of high quality, free from errors, and tailored to resonate with your target audience. Additionally, many writing services offer revisions and edits to ensure that the final product meets your expectations.

benefits of hiring partime writers
outsource content writing
Focus on Core Business

By outsourcing content writers, you can free up internal resources and allow your team to focus on relevant business activities. This is especially beneficial for small businesses and startups that may not have the resources to handle content creation in-house. Outsourcing allows your team to concentrate on what they do best, while experts handle the content.

Speed and Efficiency

Outsourced writers are often adept at working under tight deadlines and can produce content quickly and efficiently. This can be particularly beneficial when you need to create content on short notice or have a large volume of content that needs to be produced in a short period of time.

Diverse Skill Sets

Outsourcing allows you to tap into a diverse range of skill sets. Whether you need SEO-optimized blog posts, technical whitepapers, or engaging social media content, you can find writers who specialize in these areas. This diversity can enhance the range and depth of content available to your audience.

Know Your Project Requirements

Before you start the process of hiring a writer, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what you need. This includes the type of content you want to create (such as blog posts, white papers, case studies, etc.), the volume of content needed, the timeline for delivery, and the target audience for the content. Understanding your project requirements will help you identify the right writer for the job. For instance, if you’re in a highly technical industry, you may need a writer with specific industry knowledge.

Search for Writers

Once you have a clear understanding of your project requirements, you can start searching for writers. There are many platforms where you can find B2B writers, such as Expert-Hire, Upwork, LinkedIn, and ProBlogger. When searching for writers, look for those who have experience in your industry or in writing the type of content you need. 

Check Experience and Portfolio

After you’ve identified potential writers, it’s important to review their experience and portfolio. This will give you an idea of their writing style, the types of projects they’ve worked on in the past, and their level of expertise. Look for writers who have a proven track record of producing high-quality B2B content. You should also consider asking for references from previous clients to get a sense of their reliability and professionalism.


The interview process is a crucial step in hiring a B2B writer. This is your opportunity to assess the writer’s communication skills, their understanding of your industry, and their ability to meet deadlines. Prepare a list of questions that will help you gauge these factors. For example, you might ask about their experience with your industry, their process for researching and writing content, and their availability.

Sign Contract

Once you’ve found a writer that meets your needs, the final step is to sign a contract. The contract should clearly outline the scope of the work, the deadlines for delivery, the payment terms, and any other expectations you have. This will help to ensure that both you and the writer are on the same page and can help to prevent any misunderstandings or disputes down the line.

How to Hire B2B Content Writers

Hiring B2B writers from Expert-Hire is easy. Follow these steps and you get the right skills for your project.

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of hiring a B2B writer can vary based on their experience, expertise, and the scope of the project. It’s best to get quotes from different writers to find one that fits your budget.

Yes, you can hire B2B writers for one-time projects or on a retainer basis, depending on your needs.

To ensure quality, it’s important to hire experienced B2B writers, provide them with clear guidelines, and review their work before publishing.

If the content does not meet your expectations, provide the writer with feedback and ask for revisions. It’s important to have a clear agreement regarding revisions in the contract.